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Food safety & authenticity: Laboratory of the Government Chemist conference

The annual conference of the Laboratory of the Government Chemist (LGC), an independent company that carries out food testing and analysis, will take place on 21-22 June 2016. This meeting brings together scientists, regulators, enforcement agencies, industry, and policy makers to discuss food fraud, authenticity and safety. Ahead of the conference, a panel of experts came to the SMC to discuss these issues and update journalists on the progress made in food safety and authenticity in the years since the horse meat scandal. read more

food safety: Laboratory of the Government Chemist conference

Food fraud was in the spotlight last year during the horsemeat scandal, and food safety has been brought to the fore again recently following the detection of campylobacter in some supermarket chickens. The Laboratory of the Government Chemist, a company that carries out food testing and analysis, will be having their annual conference later in November. Ahead of this conference a number of the speakers came to the SMC to talk to journalists about various aspects of food safety, food testing, food fraud, supplements and food authenticity read more

expert encounter: Prof Paul Crutzen

In 1995 Prof Crutzen shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on damage to the ozone layer. He briefed journalists at the SMC on his work and views ahead of delivering a keynote address at the annual Geological Society conference. read more

comments on the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009

The prize was shared between Dr Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, a research fellow at Trinity College Cambridge, Thomas Steitz from Yale University, and Ada Yonath from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, for work on mapping the structure of the ribosome, the protein-manufacturing centre of the cell. read more

industrial biotechnology

Industrial biotechnology encompasses a huge number of applications both within industry and in our everyday lives, including bioplastics to prolong the shelf life of food, enzymes in washing powder for use at lower temperatures, production of insulin for diabetics, and refinement of bioethanol from factory waste. The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Growth Team (IB-IGT), an independent body of experts from academia and industry established in November 2007, published their report to government this month, and key contributors presented their findings at the Science Media Centre. read more

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