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the future of using patient data to improve healthcare

The explosion of technology has the potential to transform healthcare, allowing patients to wear devices and use apps to monitor and improve their health, and for appointments and records to be used in a smarter, more joined-up way. read more

food for the future: the potential of GM animals

The SMC invited one of the UK’s leading experts on GM animals, Professor Helen Sang, to describe some of the on-going applications of GM technologies in farm animals and the issues around regulation and public acceptance. read more

synthetic biology – why all the hype?

Synthetic biology is being touted as the new revolution that will enable biology to do for us what harnessing physics and chemistry have done in the past. But given the history of new technologies stumbling at the starting block, why should synthetic biology be any different?
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industrial biotechnology

Industrial biotechnology encompasses a huge number of applications both within industry and in our everyday lives, including bioplastics to prolong the shelf life of food, enzymes in washing powder for use at lower temperatures, production of insulin for diabetics, and refinement of bioethanol from factory waste. The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Growth Team (IB-IGT), an independent body of experts from academia and industry established in November 2007, published their report to government this month, and key contributors presented their findings at the Science Media Centre. read more

landmark study reports breakdown in biotech patent systems

Biotech breakthroughs are transforming the worlds of health and agriculture offering the promise of drought resistant plants, new medicines and energy sources. Yet some feel that the current system of intellectual proerty rights is fundamentally flawed. A Montreal-based international team of experts in biotechnology, law, ethics and economics has released a new report which will be presented to UK policy makers and NGOs next week. Drawing on data collected over the past seven years, the study portrays a crucially important but increasingly dysfunctional industry that relies on a business model based on outdated conceptions of intellectual property. The lead author of the report came to the SMC to prevent its main findings. read more

Dolly for dinner? Cloned animals in the food chain

It is over 10 years since the birth of Dolly the cloned sheep was announced. Since then, research in the field has advanced quickly and it is predicted that cloned meat will enter the foodchain, somewhere in the world, in the next 5 years. Before then it is likely that the offspring of cloned animals will be introduced. The Science Media Centre invited experts on animal cloning and biotechnology to brief the media on issues including how soon cloned meat could enter the food chain and what the potential benefits of this could be in terms of the cost and environmental impact of food. read more

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