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report of fourth hfea independent science review panel on mitochondrial donation


After Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of allowing mitochondrial donation last year the UK regulatory process for this new treatment has moved on. The Newcastle based scientists ready to offer the treatment have answered more of the scientific questions raised and the HFEA commissioned a fourth independent science panel to review this and other research. Meanwhile stories emerge of babies being born around the world with the same technique but under very different regulatory oversight.

Now this incredible treatment takes a very significant step closer to the clinic as the science review panel delivers its fourth and possibly final report on the state of the science and makes recommendations as to whether it is safe and effective in order to proceed to treating patients.



Prof Andrew Greenfield, Chair of the Nuffield Council Working Group and Member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Programme Leader at MRC Harwell, and Chair of the panel that produced the scientific report

Prof Robin Lovell-Badge, Group Leader at The Francis Crick Institute, and member of the panel that produced the scientific report

Prof Frances Flinter, Consultant of and Professor in Clinical Genetics at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, and member of the panel that produced the scientific report

Prof Peter Braude, Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, King’s College London, and member of the panel that produced the scientific report

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