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IPBES reports – the ‘Nexus Assessment’ and the ‘Transformative Change Assessment’

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has published two important new reports.

The ‘Nexus Assessment’ is the most compressive assessment of the complex interlinkages among the global biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change crises. The report considers the interdependencies between these crises and offers real-world solutions that can improve outcomes across multiple systems.

The ‘Transformative Change Assessment’ highlights the need for a fundamental system-wide reorganization across technology, economy & society, to address the biodiversity crisis. It outlines the most significant important barriers to ‘transformative change’, as well as strategies & actions with the greatest potential for benefit.  

Journalists joined this media briefing to hear an overview of the findings of these two reports, and in particular, the aspects that have relevance to the UK.


Speakers included:

Dr Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary, IPBES

Prof Paula Harrison, Principal Natural Capital Scientist at UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), and co-chair of the IPBES ‘Nexus Assessment’

Prof Karen O’Brien, Professor, University of Oslo, and co-chair of the IPBES ‘Transformative Change Assessment’

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