Ice2sea is an EU-funded project whose goal is to produce state of the art projections of sea level rise. Over the past four years a team of scientists from 24 institutions across the world, mostly in Europe, have worked together to do just that. The UK part of the project has been coordinated by the British Antarctic Survey.
This year many of its findings will inform the IPCC report AR5. Ice2sea scientists are gathering in London this May for a final meeting and have collected their findings in a document for policy-makers.
Four of the lead UK scientists came to the SMC to discuss the project’s conclusions, including global mean sea-level rise to 2100 and beyond and the impact on Europe’s coastline.
Prof David Vaughan, ice2sea co-ordinator at British Antarctic Survey
Prof Michiel van den Broeke, Utrecht University and ice2sea research leader
Prof Tony Payne, University of Bristol and ice2sea research leader
Prof Jonathan Bamber, University of Bristol and ice2sea research leader