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Food Safety after Brexit

The row over chlorine washed chickens earlier this year was prompted by concerns that following Brexit the UK will be forced into trade deals with countries with lower food safety and animal welfare standards than the EU. Others have also pointed to other controversial food products like hormone treated beef, GM foods and countries whose regulations allow 20 times the quantity of aflatoxins compared to the stricter regime imposed by the EU. So will Brexit usher in an era of rising food safety problems in the UK and how can we prevent our animal welfare standards from being driven down?



Prof. Nick Sparks, Head of the Animal & Veterinary Sciences Group, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and Co-director of the National Avian Research Faculty (NARF), Roslin Institute

Prof. Paul Wigley, Professor of Avian Infection and Immunity, University of Liverpool

 Prof. Guy Poppy, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Food Standards Agency, Professor of Ecology, University of Southampton.

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