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expert reaction to press release on microplastics and cell death

Research, presented at the Plastic Health Summit in Amsterdam, reports that microplastics may harm human health.


Prof Richard Lampitt, Leader of the Microplastic Research Team, National Oceanography Centre (NOC), UK said:

“Without seeing the details of these experiments it is impossible to say whether the headline of the press release is justified. Almost every substance on the planet whether natural or anthropogenic can be shown to cause harm if the conditions of the experiment are suitable. Microplastics have the potential to cause harm but this does not mean that they do cause harm. When the experimental details have been released and the results examined, the scientific community will be in a position to determine if such a headline is justified.”


The research will be presented at the Plastic Health Summit in Amsterdam on 3 October. The press release was embargoed until 00.01 UK time Thursday 3 October. No abstract or paper was available.


Declared interests

Prof Richard Lampitt:  No conflict of interest.

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