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expert reaction to bedbug situation in Paris

Scientists respond to news of a bed bug outbreak in Paris. 


Prof James Logan, Professor of Medical Entomology and Director of Arctech Innovation, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), said:

“Bed bugs are found globally – there will already be bed bugs in the UK, just as there are in Paris. Bed bugs are good hitchhikers and could easily be brought from Paris to the UK, but could just as easily go from the UK to Paris! It is unlikely that Paris is significantly worse than other places, although they may be unlucky right now with a bit of a bed bug boom.

“We need to be able to monitor for bed bugs quicker so that they can be dealt with quickly before infestations get out of control. There are traps that lure bed bugs effectively that can do this job – e.g. (developed by scientists at LSHTM)”


Prof Robert Smith, Professor Emeritus, University of Huddersfield, said:

“Reports of bedbugs have been increasing for many years, both in the UK and many other countries, probably in the main because of their developing resistance to insecticides. The five immature stages (nymphs) need a blood meal in order to develop to the next stage and adult bedbugs can live up to a year. As far as we know, bedbugs do not carry any human disease and their bite is painless but can leave an itchy red mark. Bites often show up as a straight row of three or four – I once woke up with a line of raised bites across my chest in a hotel in Ethiopia, with no ill effects. (I found this experience quite interesting although I can see that others might not.)

“Bedbugs mostly feed at night and hang out in cracks and crevices during the day. I no longer use drawers in hotels to avoid picking up bedbugs as they can quite easily hitch a ride in luggage. Hence, they can travel between countries in luggage and are widespread. So, I wouldn’t worry about them, but would advise avoiding unpacking clothes as far as possible in hotels. Some people even advise storing your suitcase in the bathtub, though I don’t go that far!”



Declared interests

Prof Robert Smith: I have no personal or financial interests to declare. I have previously been an independent member and deputy chair of the Advisory Committee on Pesticides.

For all other experts, no reply to our request for DOIs was received.

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