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comments on European vote on and review of EU Directive on animal research

The European Parliament reviewed and voted on the EU Directive designed to clarify regulation of animal research.


Dr Simon Festing, Chief Executive of Understanding Animal Research, said:

“The new European law will be a perfect opportunity for the Coalition Government in the UK to bring science and medical progress into balance with animal welfare.”


In a statement the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, said:

“The ABPI acknowledges today’s adoption by the European Parliament of a compromise to review a 25-year old EU Directive on the protection of laboratory animals. This review of the Directive is designed to update and harmonize standards across EU Member States.

“This agreement should bring direct and tangible animal welfare benefits and allow essential medical research to continue in the UK and Europe, helping to deliver new and innovative medicines. However, like Efpia, we remain disappointed that certain provisions run the risk of creating legal uncertainty without bringing any welfare benefits. The pharmaceutical industry with the bioscience community are ready to work with UK government on an appropriate transposition into UK regulation.

“Animal welfare is a key consideration in the UK research framework. Such research remains essential to finding cures for diseases of high health burden, such as cancers and neurodegenerative disease. The UK pharmaceutical industry is committed to the 3Rs, embedding the principles of reduction, replacement and refinement in the use of animals in medical research. Scientists have a responsibility to ensure that animals are used only where there are no valid alternatives and when this is the case, that good welfare is effectively implemented.”


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