COG-UK is the COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium and has some of the UK’s leading experts on virus genomics. We asked some of their scientists to make themselves available (again) to answer journalists questions at a Q&A to give them an update about what we do and don’t know about the ‘new variant’.
Please note the scientists did have any new data to share – they were simply available to answer journalist questions.
Speakers included:
Prof Sharon Peacock, Director of COG-UK, and Professor of Public Health and Microbiology, University of Cambridge
Prof Judith Breuer, Professor of Virology and Co-Director of the Division of Infection and Immunity at UCL
Prof Tom Connor, Reader, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, and Consultant Bioinformatician/Pathogen Bioinformatics Lead
Prof Ravindra Gupta, Professor of Clinical Microbiology, University of Cambridge
Dr Jeffrey Barrett, Lead Covid-19 Statistical Geneticist, Wellcome Sanger Institute