expert reaction to study showing there is no link between epilepsy and violent behaviour
A Swedish study published in PLoS Medicine concluded that there is no link between epilepsy and violent crime. read more
A Swedish study published in PLoS Medicine concluded that there is no link between epilepsy and violent crime. read more
Concern was raised over the possible health impacts of breast implants manufactured by the French company Poly Implants Prothese (PIP) using industrial grade rather than medical grade silicone. read more
A paper originally published in Science in October 2009, claiming to show an association between the XMRV virus and chronic fatigue syndrome, was retracted by the journal. read more
The Medical Research Council announced £1.5m of funding for research into the underlying biological causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. read more
New research looked at the association between blood pressure and other metabolic factors, and the risk of developing brain tumours. read more
The US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) requested that two journals limit the publication of data about new flu strains because of concern about who could access the data. read more
New research examined the association between trace metals and the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. read more
A new study, led by academics at the University of Bristol, investigated the possible link between school absence and incidence of chronic fatigue syndome. read more
A new study, led by academics at the University of Bristol, investigated the possible link between school absence and incidence of chronic fatigue syndome. read more
Scientists offered comment on the latest evidence on the Higgs boson from CERN in Geneva. read more
The strategy addressed challenges relating to innovation in the UK and its contribution to economic growth. read more
The Prime Minister gave a speech which set out the challenges facing science and health research in the UK, and measures to overcome them. read more
Two new Nature papers looked trends in global CO2 emissions since the 2008 financial crisis and evidence for human-induced climate change from changes in the Earth’s energy balance. read more
This study examined the link between dietary micronutrient supplementation and women’s chances of conceiving during fertility treatment. read more
The SRMGI, convened by the Royal Society, published a report on the governance of geoengineering and the way forward. read more
A Nature paper outlined a new technique that uses gene delivery to produce neutralising antibodies against HIV. read more
A study in the journal Fertility and Sterility suggested a possible effect of a wifi-connected laptop on the health of sperm samples, when placed nearby in a container. read more
The Autumn Budget announcement drew a great of interest from the scientific community, including a series of comments circulated by the SMC. read more
Another set of emails obtained from University of East Anglia servers was released online, apparently from the same set of emails as those obtained in 2009. read more
Results from another group of scientists within the Gran Sasso team, ICARUS, suggested that the putatively light-speed-beating neutrinos hadn’t lost energy en route, thus casting further doubt on the OPERA result. Their data were published in October but picked up by the press on 20th November. read more