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expert reaction to review of effectiveness of Sativex (cannabis extract) for MS

A review in Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin called into question the evidence backing the use of cannabis extract in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).


Ed Holloway, Head of Care and Services Research at the MS Society, said:

“The MHRA has already looked at the evidence surrounding Sativex and has decided it is a safe and effective treatment for spasticity – otherwise it would not have been licensed.  The MS Society believes the MHRA is the right organisation to be making that decision and this latest paper does not provide any new evidence; it simply looks at the same evidence the MHRA has already reviewed via a rigorous process.

“As such, we do not believe this work should call into question the MHRA’s decision.  Sativex works for some people and we want everyone with MS to have all possible treatment options available to them to combat the symptoms of the condition.”



‘What place for cannabis extract in MS?’ published in Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin on Wednesday 12 December.

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