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}); Science Media Center

welcome to the

Science Media Centre

an independent press office helping to ensure that the public have access to the best scientific and engineering evidence and expertise through the news media when science hits the headlines

a pilot SMC for


a one-year pilot Science Media Centre for Ireland has just been launched, offering services such as Round-Ups and Rapid Reactions to Irish journalists.

Ipsos poll: where does the public access science information?

for press officers

press release labelling system for new medical research

the Science Media Centre Global Network

the new website for the Science Media Centre Global Network has launched! Visit it to learn more about the SMC Global Network - an international network ensuring the public have access to the best evidence in the news when science hits the headlines around the world.


Changing Role of Science Press Officers

For Journalists

The Science Media Centre provides journalists with what they need in the timeframe they need it, from interviews with leading experts to timely press briefings on hot topics.

for scientists

The SMC runs free events to introduce experts to the news media.  We also provide advice and support to scientists and engineers on media engagement.

for press officers

The SMC is an independent press office for science, working closely with press officers from universities, scientific companies, research funders and leading science and engineering institutions.

expert reaction to LA wildfires

Scientists comment on Los Angeles wildfires.   Prof Apostolos Voulgarakis, Professor in Global Climate and Environmental Change, Imperial College London, … read more

read Fiona Fox’s blog

on science and the media

latest blog entry: "pre election period – reminder of clarification regarding scientists and media work"

for the public

The Science Media Centre is a service for national news journalists. If you are a member of the public, and have a question about science, you could try: