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Search results for (andrea danese)

the long-term impacts of childhood bullying

Traditionally childhood bullying has been seen by many as a common and almost inevitable part of growing up, with lasting consequences fortunately happening rarely. However, there has been growing evidence of long-term impacts that can last far into adulthood. Now researchers have assessed whether there are not only psychological impacts, but also physical ones – specifically in relation to obesity and inflammation. read more

expert reaction to changes in brain white matter in children suffering neglect

A study published in JAMA Pediatrics has examined the structure of the brains of infants in care homes, and compared children who remained in institutions with those who were placed in foster care. The researchers report associations between neglect of those in care homes in early life and poor quality of development of various parts of the brain. read more

childhood maltreatment and depression

A meta-analysis carried out by experts from the Institute of Psychiatry revealed new evidence about the association between maltreatment during childhood and the onset of recurrent depression later in life. read more

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